Friday, May 30, 2008


Tadi pagi saya sempat dibuat kesal. Yah sebenarnya tidak perlu kesal sih. Tapi what the *@$% ! ini kan blog saya. Bebas dunks untuk menyuarakan ekspresi.

Bermula dari niat makan gorengan yang menggebu-gebu.

Sudah membayangkan manisnya pisang goreng atau ubi goreng yang ehm..ehm...Tapi ketika mendapati sajian gorengan yang ada (baca: TERSISA) di meja, yang saya dapati hanya ba’wan kriting-kriting bulat yang bikin ilfil itu.........uuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhggggrrrrggggghhhhhh@$%!!!!....

Ini personal sekali. Benar-benar menjengkelkan. Karena saya dari kecil sampai tua begini paling sebal sama yang namanya ba’wan. Ga tau kenapa, mungkin ada sejenis energi yang negatif terpancar dari ba’wan itu..(ih maksa banget).

Coba lihat aja, dari namanya, ba’wan itu sudah menunjukkan inkonsistensi.

BA’ (kadang2 dibeberapa tempat diucapkan dengan ”mba”) + WAN.

2 huruf pertama menunjukkan mba, yang identik dengan gender: perempuan. Sementara 3 huruf kedua (wan) adalah akhiran yang identik dengan gender lelaki. See?? Ga jelas banget kan makanan ini.

Yang kedua, dari namanya, bagi orang yang tidak pernah melihat atau mendengar ba’wan, pasti menyangka ini adalah makanan yang berasal dari Cina. Seperti halnya Ba’mi, ba’pao, ba’so, ba’pia dan ba’ ba’ lainnya. Tapi coba lihatlah rupanya...apa ada makanan Cina yang dibuat dari kol, toge dan wortel lalu digoreng semacam ini. Apa ini artinya? Penipuan! Atau bahasa kerennya ”penggelapan identitas” (halah)..

Yang ketiga yang paling fatal.

Ba’wan itu bener-bener ga jelas banget. Kita sering lihat dimana-mana ada tukang baso ba’wan malang...coba deh perhatikan baik-baik...GA ADA BA’WAN-NYA KAN???


Friday, May 23, 2008

The Question

Last night I finally have to face the question.

It is the question that I've been trying to avoid so hard. The question that makes my heart melts and my lips numb. It was about 9 pm in the evening and I told my kids to go to bed. Suddenly my little princess, asked this question, "Mommy, why Dad never came home again?"

I tried to neglect the question, but somehow, a thought came across my mind and say that I must deal with this. The kids must know the truth. However, the truth might a bit difficult for them to understand, so I create another lie.

I told them that Dad was on sailing, for in definitive time.
I really don't know how to explain this to them, I'm just expecting that by the time goes, they will understand the situation automatically.

I took a glimpse on the eldest. As usual, he was just silenced when someone asked about his father. I don't know whether it's because of his feeling, sad or hatred, or he’s just acting ignorant. I somehow saw that actually he also would like to know, but he might try to hide it, as if he knew that it’ll bother me. I don't know. All I know that the eldest is different from the other kids I’ve known, he sometimes looks like hiding or playing something in his mind.

When the princess already slept, I found that her brother still awoke. So I asked him the question that has always been bothering me either.

“Baby, have you been asked about your father in school?”

My son looked at me, then he looked at the ceiling. His pretty eyes blinked and he answered,

“well, yes mom…I have often being asked about Dad”

“and..?” I replied

“ummm…I don’t know how to answer that question, mommy..” he still played with his pillow, and suddenly he asked me ,

”where exactly Dad is, mommy? I never knew where he was, so I usually don’t answer that question” he said.

I felt so sad about my son and my princess that they have to deal with this problem that they don’t have any clue about it. It’s clear that I couldn’t say that Daddy doesn’t love us enough that he left us without notification, right? although perhaps, it may be the correct answer. I tried to think as creative as I could, but I failed. Finally I just said that next time, if my kids were asked about their father, just say that he’s on sailing abroad. I know that it didn’t satisfy the eldest, but I just can’t find a better answer.

I just held him tight, and whisper,

“I’m sorry my love, mommy also don’t know where he is…but I’m sure that he’s thinking of us…” I held him even tighter.

“Is it all right for you, if you only got mommy without daddy?” I asked curiously,

“it’s all right mommy…I love you”

His answer sounded like heaven in my ear.