aaahh...today i feel so fresh!

In spite of a terrible woke up this morning because of yesterday journey to Banten, I found that working in office create such a refreshment to me..

It started with an email in one of the mailist that I've joined. Usually I seldom read the posts from this mailist, because the contents are mostly about maotivation..bla...blaa...bla...about becoming an enterpreuner..bla..bla..blaa..yeah, I am just like millions of employee around the world that struggle to be an IBO (Independent Business Owner), always dream to be one of it, but keep dreaming about it, because we're to busy to swim in the sea of deadlines...

skip it,

Anyway, the subject was interesting, something about "urat malu" and other words, I forgot..(sorry :-P) . It's about a story of a person that sells stuffs like blankets etc, well, he actually a person with a high position in his office, selling stuffs like blanket would certainly embarrassed him, but he insisted to keep on doing that, because he, eventhough he possesses a high position in his office (as I have told you before), he still dreams of becoming an IBO.. funny,huh?

skip it again,

He did sell the blankets, he always talked blanket whenever he met other persons, in his trips, in the airplanes, restaurants, even in the break time of a business meeting, he talked about the blankets that he sells. He went door to door to his relatives and friends, brought the sample blanket to offer them, and although he always ashamed whenever he offers the stuff, his mentor's words (the blanket agent), always strengthened his mental.

After some times, he finally did a remarkable selling, the order always comes until oneday he couldn't supply his costumers because of out of stocks.

He still works in his Company, but he feels free now, because there is no more worries of getting some terrible things like "Efficiency". Someday, he said, he will be a total IBO, a full Hands Above (hands above is a term of people who can pay/support another"-taken from Al Quran, "...hands above is much better than hand below") that he's been dreaming of, but the dream is much more real to him now.

so what's the moral of this story?
I bet everybody already aware of it.

Now I know what I want do.

I have decided that I will try to sell blankets too, like he does :-)


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