
Showing posts from March, 2008


Start:      Apr 2, '08 8:00p Location:      PLANET HOLLYWOOD CAFE Hail to the Rock 97.5 FM OTOMOTION FM p r e s e n t s: PEARL JAM NITE PLANET HOLLYWOOD JAKARTA Wednesday, April 2 2008 p e r f o r m a n c e b y: CUPUMANIK f e a t u r i n g FADLY (PADI) and IPANG (BIP) Doors Open: 08.00 PM Drink Charge: Rp. 60.000


BRAD PITT TOM CRUISE MEG RYAN KEANU REEVES ROBIN WILLIAM JENNIFER LOPEZ. SANDRA BULLOCK DLL Apa kesamaan di antara nama-nama pemain film di atas? ya, mereka sama-sama terkenal. sama-sama punya banyak fans. sama-sama bermain di banyak film. Tapi ada lagi kesamaan mereka di mata saya: Mereka sama-sama tidak bisa beranjak dari peran-peran yang sejenis, alias gagal dalam permainan watak, maupun dalam penampilan. Bukan berarti mereka tidak bisa berakting. Akting mereka bagus, bahkan beberapa bisa membuat kita terharu-biru. Tapi maksud saya, model akting mereka dalam satu film ke film lain terasa sama saja. lihatlah brad pitt dalam film joey black, bandingkan dengan brad pitt dalam seven years in tibet. bandingkan lagi dengan brad pitt dalam troy. hampir seragam, meski settingnya berbeda-beda. atau tom cruise dalam top gun, bandingkan dengan tom cruise dalam mission impossible, atau tom cruise dalam jerry mc guire, atau dalam the last samurai...bagi saya, sangat membosankan. Meg Ryan? tida...

just a thought

Show Biz

I want to talk about the showbiz industry. I think the world right now is about to be ruled by this kind of industry. How many films that been released around the world every year? how many songs ? how many bands that have been established? how many photo sessions taken every year? every month? every day? OMG, there are sooooo countless.... the booming of this industry has make a new civilization to the latest generation. Call it movie stars, music stars, pop singers, rockers, models, you name it. Nowadays we can see there are so many children want to be super stars when they're grow up. I still remember when I was a kid, me and any other kids in my neighborhood (some village in Jakarta) would say that we wanted to be doctor, engineer, nurse, police, army someday. Not much of us that willing to be a super star. I don't want to generalize it, that's why I said, in my neighborhood, a little village in Jakarta. We thought that superstars like movie star, singer, model, woul...

URAT MALU i feel so fresh! In spite of a terrible woke up this morning because of yesterday journey to Banten, I found that working in office create such a refreshment to me.. It started with an email in one of the mailist that I've joined. Usually I seldom read the posts from this mailist, because the contents are mostly about maotivation..bla...blaa...bla...about becoming an enterpreuner..bla..bla..blaa..yeah, I am just like millions of employee around the world that struggle to be an IBO (Independent Business Owner), always dream to be one of it, but keep dreaming about it, because we're to busy to swim in the sea of deadlines... skip it, Anyway, the subject was interesting, something about "urat malu" and other words, I forgot..(sorry :-P) . It's about a story of a person that sells stuffs like blankets etc, well, he actually a person with a high position in his office, selling stuffs like blanket would certainly embarrassed him, but he insisted to keep ...

I miss my Bach!

By Your Side Sebastian Bach So long my dear departed where did you go I can't believe you're gone and the nights go out so slow I'm missin' you each mornin' Days gone by again I feel the longing to look you in the eye You know i'll never let you go You know i'll never hurt so bad And if It takes a thousand Years I will be right there By Your Side You know I'll never let you go When I lost you I was blind And everytime I catch my tear I will be right there by your side I Feel you when you're watching from afar To Young to leave me standing I wonder where you are The precious time we spent my fondest memories I'll hold on to the promise That You Made To Me You know i'll never let you go You know i'll never hurt so bad And if It takes a thousand Years I will be right there By Your Side You know I'll never hurt so much When I lost you I was blind And everytime I catch my tear You are right there by my side I stare into h...


Tual is just a story, Actually, I am a kind of person who is very sensitive & easily get emotional. When seeing movies that touches my heart, I easily cry a lot. this is the list of some films that successfully made me cry: 1. Gladiator 2. Braveheart 3. Hopefloats 4. Pay it Forward 5. The Last Unicorn 6. Marina 7. I am Sam 8. The Green Mile 9. The Perfect Storm 10. etc (countless!) this habit doesn't stop on films. Reading a book can make me cry also. this is the list of books that successfully made me cry: 1. Tenggelamnya kapal Van Der Wijk 2. Madam Wu (Pavillion of women) 3. Layla Majnun 4. A Thousand Splendid Suns I also can be very touch, if I see such scenery or beautiful panorama like green hills, streams, sunsets beyond the horizon, I can feel my heart swollen and couldn't speak a word but God's name. Even walking in the village & looking at rice field can make me spellbound. Once I walked with a friend in a road surrounded by rice fields side by side in Cia...

I love this country

this is my first writing. I just want to convince more (to myself, actually) that I really, really love this country. I may not be very proud of being Indonesian, because of the characte ristic that we have, but...I really, strongly, love this country. Why do I have to say that? how does it effects me? Off course it has effects on me. After having the experience of so-called reformation, I think I had forgotten how to love this country. I used to jeer at the former government and without giving solution, I put aside my enthusiasm of this country. I in fact, have ever planned to stay at some other country which I think better than Indonesia. what a fool. Until I had a time to travel some of this country beauty. First, because of my work, I had to go to Tual, South East of Maluku. It's located underneath west papua island. All of my life, I never heard about this place, and suddenly, I have to go there. So I did took a 6 hours of flight, and when I got there, I found a humble small c...


“Romance” by Richard Clayderman. (diaransemen kembali oleh J.H.   ) Denting nada-nada piano yang ceria, menggugah kebahagiaan sepasang kekasih yang diperankan oleh sepasang penari balet kontemporer, diatas panggung bernuansa merah. Mereka berputar-putar lembut dalam gerakan yang sempurna, saling berpegang, merengkuh dan membelai penuh perasaan. Keduanya, seiring alunan piano yang indah, saling menatap penuh kasih, menyuarakan cinta…ya …indahnya cinta.. Lalu piano mulai berdenting lebih cepat, dan keduanya mengikuti irama dengan lompatan-lompatan penuh gairah dan gerakan melingkar yang ditopang oleh kuatnya lengan dan kaki yang terlatih dengan baik. Sepasang kekasih itupun saling merangkul, merenggut, mengusap, membelai dengan gerakan yang dramatis, seiring dentingan piano yang semakin berkejaran…, Kedua tangan mereka keatas, membuat gerakan-gerakan seolah meraba yang eksotis dari pinggul sampai ke ujung jari tangan, dengan tubuh saling menumpu dalam gerakan semi berpu...

Mama Sayang

Apakah yang lebih menyakitkan daripada melihat orang yang kita kasihi menderita? Setiap hari, setiap saya melihat wajah ibunda yang tersiksa penyakit yang tak kenal kompromi itu, hati ini terasa sakit berdarah-darah teriris dukanya. Setiap keluhan yang mama lontarkan, meski bukan maksudnya untuk merepotkan, adalah pisau yang menembus jantung keibaan saya. Terkadang saya  merasa kalah, dan memilih untuk tidak menemuinya di kamarnya...namun  bukankah itu malah menambah deritanya? Mama saya adalah wanita yang sepanjang hidupnya dipenuhi dengan semangat hidup, dedikasi dan disiplin. Masa kecilnya cukup menyedihkan, karena beliau diambil paksa dari ayah ibu kandungnya di tanah manado oleh uwaknya sendiri untuk dibawa ke Jawa. Tidak pernah diketahui apa alasan uwaknya "menculik" dirinya, dan kalaupun ada alasan, apakah alasan "gemas" dan kadung jatuh cinta dapat membenarkan seseorang untuk memisahkan ikatan darah seorang anak terhadap orang tua kandungnya? Saya tak begitu...