love in the 30 something

it's been quite a while since the last time I wrote in here. I don't know why, but I guess the fact that I've made a vow about the spoken language here kinda made my mood stuck hahaha
well. Let's see. Not so many things happen to me. There's still the three of us, still no "father" thing in our little kingdom. I still live in my parents home, and my kids are still adorable :)
ow..I forgot, now my little princess has been in 1st grade of elementary the same school of her brother.
I think this August has been the best month for me so far. Not only that things seem to run smoothly in my work & family, also finally I had a chance to fall in love again. After so long, I finally able to love someone. I thought the love era of me had been passed, and I will have to live without tasting love anymore. I've been in love before, off course, but that was long before the marriage. And the marriage might have been born love, if only one person stick to the vow and not leaving what ever it takes.
yeah, story of my life.
OK. I met this guy last month when he played ****** in a club. There were a party, call it Some Band Nite, and I was having wonderful time there. I haven't aware of him yet, but I knew someone was watching me, and I knew he's kind of cute.
About two weeks later, I finally had a chance to talk with that guy. His name was quite beautiful in my ears and I felt like as if we had had known for so long.
After the event, he messaged me and we had a chatting time. We sent sms and we called each other about 3 times a day. He often asked me to go out, but I hadn't say yes, not until the 3rd time he asked.
So, the 3rd call, I finally melted and despite of my unready shirt, hair & everything, I did go out with him.
I guess what old folks told us about the first impression is totally right. I found myself kinda surprised to see him neatly dressed, with a hat that put in order, and the hair that supposed to be drop in some place accordingly. Whatt???!!!
I suddenly freaked out..and looked into my own dress etc. I wore a shady red shirt, that might add 1 or 2 year of age in my appearance, my hair was oily (I put a vitamin in the morning), and my shoes were unbelievably ugly...
meanwhile, he looked SO PERFECT...
however I had to get through but nausea quickly trapped me and to make it worse, I couldn't help sweating..Oh My God..I don't have a problem with my body odour, but being in front of a man that you like so much it just not enough. you have to be SPLENDID, ladies!
this thought made every minutes felt like hell and I was sweating even more, successfully made him nervous too, since late in the afternoon he said something about fixing his car's AC..yeah..I guess I dropped his confidence too. could I ever think about food in that situation? Food is the LAST thing that comes to my mind, after wishing the world would swallowed me. at that time, that choice seemed quite logic.
But we have to stop by, since he was starving to death and ready to eat 2 plates of Nasigila (according to himself) so I picked the only place I knew it served lots of foods.
At that restaurant, I made my first mistake. I left him and went to the restaurant without waiting for him. WHAT the hell am I doing that for???? @##$$$!!@##
The waiter offered us the seat, 1st floor or 2nd. I knew 2nd is smoking area, so I chose 1st floor even though the seats were less romantic. But somehow this guy I liked so much told me to go upstairs. I think he realized that 2nd floor was better. So unlike common girl who asks for her "boy" opinion..I guess I skipped that part..hehehe..
I ordered a noodle that I didn't even think of eating it, while he ordered a nasigorengkambing. He was so polite when his food came first, he waited for me...even after the waiter came and told me that the noodle has run out, so I ordered somay (which turned out to be a bad..bad..choice)
I want to write here the way he ate. He ate so neat, from the outer circle to the inner...bit by bit.
meanwhile I couldn't even swallowed my somay that tasted HORRIBLE.
After chit chatting some unromantic topic, he spoke the most, I just smiled and said a little this and that. I created a "must go home" look. Not only because I couldn't stand the smell of the restaurant, it smelled funny, I also couldn't hear no more of his conversation. NO MORE TALKING BOUT MUSIC PLEASEEE...I guess if we were allowed to scream in the 1st date, I'll be screaming that for sure...
so exactly 8.30 pm, we went home. I asked him where would he dropped me..since my home is so far away from the city (I'm a very nice girl you know, don't wannabe a burden), he answered that he would take me to a "nearest" drop-by from my home. Ok.
When we passed a cafe where it sells the most dangerous coffee, he straightly stepped on his brake and asked whether I'd like to stop by. So I understood, he thought night still young and would love to spend more time with me. But somehow, that night was supposed to be my dumbest night or whatever, I REJECTED the idea of stopping by in that glorious cafe.
so...we went home. :(
He played our favorite band during the trip in maximum volume and I guess that was THE BEST moment actually. I didn't want it to be over...
When we dropped by a gas station, he offered me his band CD..with 'promotion only' on the cover. Again...nite of the spongehead I guess, I refused it and told him instead, "I'll buy in the music store later". WHATTT??? I would never do that...even he knew that...aaarggghhhhh....he knew that his band plays awfully-commercial music and he knew that I hate that is my manner???
Finally we reached "the nearestplace from my home" spot. I said bye & thanked him. just like that. I could see the annoyed face..but what can I do. I did successfully turn a supposedly romantic night into a disaster.
well...I guess that's the end of my love story...the not-so-mature-30something love story...
hehehe what an idiot...
gpp pal....dari kejadian2 yg lu alami malem itu banyaaaakkk banget hikmah/pelajaran yg bisa lu ambil...
semoga bisa jadi manfaat untuk tetap melangkah lagi, halah apa seh...maksutnya cari cowo lagi, hehehee