Fortune is like a good friend
It may not be around us all the time, but it’s always there for us, expecting to see us…
At a sudden those sentences popped up in my mind, just when I was on the way to office. I think the trigger was what happened the other day. It’s simple, when I got back from the office, after having trapped in the traffic jam caused by busway project, I found my self starving. I opened the food cover on the dining table and saw some tahu & tempe bacem plus sayur labu in the coconut juice. Quite temptating, I thought. You know, I somehow made my self used to say, “wow, great feast!” , everytime I see the food on the dining table. No matter what kind of food on the table, I just have to say that magic word (a good therapy of respecting the food & the cook, though J)
Anyway, back to our topic. Yes, I then ate deliciously, and somehow I got a tremendous feeling, maybe it’s called a gratitude feeling, that I still can eat whenever I get hungry, I can drink whenever I get thirsty, and I still can choose what kind of food and drink I want. What a fortune.
Imagine, if a meal can make you feel fortuned, then, we can also thankful for other things. Such as our places to live, our health, our family, our jobs, our friends, or even just a simple thing like air to breathe (considering a lot of people die everyday because of fail to breathe..)
You see, it’s very excited to name things that make us feel fortuned. Beside the world aspects like air, sun, rain etc.
Have you ever feel blessed or fortuned everytime you get home safely? Can you imagine what kind of horrible things that could happen in the road? We are so damn lucky that we still got our lives today.
Fortune. Luck. Bliss. Thankfulness. Gratitude. Name it.
So let’s get back to the first lines. Just like a good friend, fortune is always there for us, expecting to see us, and vice versa.
We certainly want to meet our fortune, right? It’s abundant, surrounding us, we just have to find it.
One thing for sure, having a good friend is definitely a fortune. Agree?
Meet your fortune. Feel it.