
Showing posts from November, 2024

Photos of Life

Why do we keep photos?  Let's be honest, how many photos are saved in your phone gallery? As myself,  I have around 7 thousand photos and videos in my phone gallery. Although I have kept some of those photos in my facebook, I still hasn't got motivation to delete the rest from my phone. Maybe later ;) You know I have albums in my facebook that record my life since 2007, first time I joined this platform. I still have photos of my kids there, since they're in kindergarten and elementary school. Now they're finishing their colleges. I have album of my youngest child since she was born as a tiny premature baby of 1,900 grams. Seeing the photos, it somehow made me recalling the past. The journey of my life, the growing of the family and also the lost of family members, the work life in several companies that I had had rich. It also bring back the memory of the colleagues, my bossess, and off course the boyfriends I had during the 8 years of my glorious single-li...

Flashback saat kerja di AG Group

Iseng di rumah mertua, mending kita flash back ke zaman baheula aja lah ya.  Konon, tanda-tanda tua itu ya gemar mengenang masa lalu. Fix berarti saya tua..haha Ini cerita saat saya bekerja di sebuah perusahaan milik seorang konglomerat. Saat itu saya menjadi tim legal di group holding, yang mengurusi aset dan tetek bengek seluruh perusahaannya.  Tapi saya waktu itu cuma jadi kroco mumet yah, bukan apa-apa apalagi siapa-siapa. Ibaratnya diinjek mejret lah, wong kerja juga tidak pakai kontrak, gaji pun cash tidak melalui transfer bank. Jadi kalau gajian persis abang-abang kreditan bawa duit berjeti-jeti di tas.  Tentunya banyak sekali cerita saat bekerja di sini, banyak sedih, senang, kesal, tapi juga seru.  Contohnya bos saya. Dia ini terkenal di seantero grup dan holding sebagai orang paling galak, paling cerewet, paling jutek, paling saklek dan kadang-kadang licik juga. Pokoknya orang-orang sebisa mungkin menghindari bertemu atau berurusan dengannya, saking ribet d...