Finally, Mr. SBY followed my advice :p. He invited both president candidates for an ifthar in state palace, with hope that both candidates would create such peace impression to calm their supporters in connected with the result calculation from KPU, July 22. I had a chance to watch the event on TV, and the first thing I noticed was everybody looked so tense. Why? Wasn't it suppose to be a friendly event, they had to eat on the same table, how could they're not smiling to each other? I just couldn't believe my eyes. These people like nobody in the posters, who always smiled in their pictures with promising sentences this and that. I think the greatest self control of a human being is his attitude towards people no matter how he feels. We are talking about our leaders to be, we expect nothing but the best from them, sometimes we forget that they are humans too like us, who constantly make mistakes, scared and confuse. But also just like us, they must not stop impr...